A student must be admitted to one of the participating programs first. After the student joins the participating program, he/she should fill in the application form found in the Admissions section of the Operations Research Website and submit it to the Chair of the Operations Research Program, at least one semester before the student graduates.
Ph.D. Dual Title Degree
Penn State’s dual doctoral degree in Operations research is intended for qualified students that possess strong research and mathematical skills and have a keen interest in the theory of operations research methodologies, such as mathematical programing, simulation and data analysis, and in its application to a variety of complex systems.
Ph.D. Dual Title Degree Requirements
Master’s Dual Title Degree
The dual master degree in Operations research focuses on the theory and application of OR. Students pursuing and MS and MA are expected to have a more theory-focused research work, and students admitted to coursework-only master programs will have a concentration in the application and practice of OR techniques.
Minor in Operations Research
A minor program in Operations Research is available for students in graduate programs who find it advantageous to include advanced quantitative methods of systems analysis in their program of study and have been approved to do so by their doctoral committee. To qualify for a minor in Operations Research, students must satisfy the requirements of their graduate major programs, meet the same prerequisites as the M.S. dual-title degree, and meet the course requirements.
Ph.D. Minor in Operations Research
Master’s Degree Minor in Operations Research